There are a limited number of travel awards available to support students and early career researchers of to attend the meeting. Anticipated awards for the 2023 MetSoc include:
- Barringer Crater Company Travel Award for graduate and undergraduate students (open to all nationalities)
- Elsevier Travel Award for early-career scientists (Ph.D. received 2019–2023; open to all nationalities)
- 2022 Brian Mason Award (US $1,500; sponsored by Meteorite Times Magazine and the International Meteorite Collectors Association (IMCA); open to all nationalities) If selected for this award, I agree to submit a 2,500-word popular article based on my research for publication in Meteorite Times by October 2023 and an essay for IMCA’s newsletter, Insights.
- The Meteoritical Society Travel Awards for international members with limited financial resources (open to low-income countries)
- The Meteoritical Society Travel Awards for early-career scientists (Ph.D. received 2019–2023; open to all nationalities)
- NASA Planetary Sciences Division Travel Grants (open to qualified students enrolled in programs at U.S. institutions)
- Darryl Pitt/Macovic Collection Travel Award for students (open to all nationalities)
- O. Richard Norton Fund for students and early-career scientists (students and Ph.D. received 2019–2023; open to all nationalities)
- DBG Trust Student Awards (2 student awards for US $2,500 each, one U.S. citizen and one developing country; recipient must submit a short article on research for IMCA newsletter and a video detailing conference experience)
- Maine Mineral and Gem Museum Student Awards (US $1,500; open to all nationalities)
- Planetary Studies Foundation Student Awards (open to only U.S. citizens; awardees must write a thank-you note)
Apply for travel awards HERE.